Let’s eliminate it together.

Source taken from Google

Today when I was on the way to school, i saw something happened in front of me which is a man is littering, and his behaviour is very accustomed to. His action really surprised me and i observe around, i found that a lot of rubbish is on the ground. At this moment, i know that people’s littering behavior has become more and more serious. This make me very worry about the earth’s health.

Here are some rubbish that founded around the school.

littering will make the beautiful environment disappear and it also will cause many environmental impacts such as water pollution. water pollution will happen through littering is because the rubbish will be throwing in the river or sea, this action will make the water contaminated, besides that when the water was contaminated, the animals in the river or sea will die because the water is polluted. It not only the animal in the water will die, but the animals on the land will also die because of drinking contaminated water. Lastly, the soil near the polluted water will also be pollutedsoil and the plants can’t survive, if there are no plants on the earth, some animals have no food to eat and no habitat, humans may face unclear or hypoxic air.

All the fresh air, clean water and soil will disappear because of littering.

All the above serious consequences are from littering, so we should stop the littering together. First, we must throw the rubbish into the dustbin, this is the easier way to do to reduce the littering. Starting from ourselves, we will throw rubbish into the trash and make an example for others to learn. I believe that many people will follow our action slowly. When they do together, littering will be reduced.

Second, we must use the 3R concept which is reduced, recycle and reuse. this is very useful to reduce the littering. besides that, we can carry an eco bag to carry the rubbish, you can put the rubbish in the eco bag when you can’t find the dustbin, and throw it when finding the dustbin.

We must throw the rubbish into the dusbin.
Use the dustbin correctly.

In conclution, littering really has a big impact on the environment or humans. So I hope the tips that i share can help to reduce littering and we must work together to minimize littering.

发布者:Jeffery Leong

Just a normal person that love sport.


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